Monday, April 1, 2013

April's Here

Spring smiles, smells, and sweet treats.

Spring time recipes in the kitchen.

Now that spring is here, we will be spending time in the garden outside our classroom reading, writing, and taking care of our beautiful plants.

Math: After reviewing coin recognition for the past several weeks, most of the children recognize most of the coins and know their values. We will talk about which coin is their favorite one and why they like it the best. The half dollar is sure to be very popular. We are continuing to work on addition and subtraction.  
Word Work: We have added ten new words to our Word Wall, making a total of 82 words. Copies of our current Word Wall words were sent home last week for March. We are practicing not only reading these words but also spelling them. Daily we create sentences and make lists using these words. We will also be practicing putting the lower case alphabet letters in sequence.

Reading: We will continue to read our “just right” books independently, with partners and with the teachers. The children are using their decoding skills to figure out tricky words and to practice reading with fluency. We will be looking for compound words in the books we are reading, also.

Writing:  We are studying the informational books that have been written by Gail Gibbons to help us gather ideas for our own non-fiction writing. Many of the children have checked out one of her books to read at home. These books will be available for book check out for the next few weeks.

Social Studies: From talking about our own houses and others the children are familiar with, our study of houses will turn to houses found in other parts of the world. We will talk about how these houses are alike and how they are different from ours and why they are not like our houses.

Science:  We will begin the second part of our physical science unit and begin our investigation of liquids. The first two liquids that we will study will be water and glue.

Technology:  We are using World Book on Line for Kids to learn about animals, as we prepare for our project-based learning activities about zoo animals. We will be continuing our research of our zoo animals this week and begin to put together our presentation projects to share with the other students on Friday morning and with our families on Friday afternoon on April 12.

Guidance:  Ms. Fierce is continuing the guidance lessons with productive ways to handle conflict in our daily lives. She has been talking with the children about peacemakers and peacebreakers.

Events to Calendar:

Monday, April 1 – 1 yard of flannel or fleece is due to be used as backing for our kindergarten quilts.

April 1- April 5. Wear purple shirts with uniform bottoms all week for Relay for Life.

Friday, April 5. Relay for Life

Friday, April. Field trip to the Morean Clay Studio

Monday, April 15. Quilting Day

Friday, April 19. Celebrate the Arts