Monday, March 25, 2013

The Week of March 25th

Planting an array of bloom.

Helping Dr. Bianco with finishing touches.

The Memorial Service dedicating the playground and flower garden in memory of Mrs. Weinman was lovely. Thank you for all the beautiful flowers that the children donated. The class worked hard to help plant many flowers to in her garden. It looks wonderful. Because so many flowers were so generously donated by all the students in the Lower Division, the over-flow were given to our classroom for us to plant in our own garden next to our classroom.

Math: We will focus on learning about the nickel this week. We will learn that nickels are counted by fives, so that four nickels are worth twenty cents, etc. We will combine a nickel with pennies to make change for up to ten cents. We are continuing to work on addition and our introduction to subtraction.  

Word Work: Last week we learned about the “ch” sound. We will learn about the sound t and h make when they work together. Ask your child to tell you the stories about “ch” and “th.” We have added twelve color words to our Word Wall so we now have a total of 72 words. We will be adding fives new words each week from now on.

Reading: We will focus on reading non-fiction books. Last week the children sorted all the “just right” books, pulling out all the information books. We talked about that many non-fiction books have photographs instead of pictures that have been illustrated.

Writing:  We have completed our writing unit on “How To” books and began our next non-fiction writing unit on “All About” by writing an informational book about kindergarten on Monday. Tuesday we will write about our garden. After that, the children will select their own topics that are of interest to them.

Social Studies: Thank you all for sending in snapshots of your homes.  Our discussion of homes will include house around the world and attributes such as the number of windows, front or back porches, garages or carports, cellars, attics, and the many more unique things the children will come up with to add to their descriptions. We will be writing about our dream houses and will be comparing them with our own homes.

Science:  We will sort our 20 solid objects into many categories, including color, shape, size, hardness, ability to float, attraction to a magnet, and many other ways.

Technology:  We are using World Book on Line for Kids to learn about animals, as we prepare for our project-based learning activities about zoo animals.

Guidance:  Ms. Fierce is continuing the guidance lessons with productive ways to handle conflict in our daily lives.

Events to Calendar:

Monday, April 1 – 1 yard of flannel or fleece is due to be used as backing for our kindergarten quilts.

April 1- April 5. Wear purple shirts with uniform bottoms all week for Relay for Life.

Friday, April 5. Relay for Life

Friday, April 5. Field trip to the Morean Clay Studio

Monday, April 15. Quilting Day

Friday, April 19. Celebrate the Arts