Monday, December 3, 2012

Our Field Trip to Boyd Hill Nature Park

What a grand time we had at the park. the weather was perfect-mild and clear. Truly, Florida at her best! Ranger Ken was informative, and we all learned a lot about animals and their homes. We met a box turtle and all had a chance to pet a red rat snake. We learned that snakes are more afraid of us than we are of them.

On our nature walk we saw an ant lion, a water turtle, a heron, and a gopher tortoise hole. The picnic lunch was enjoyable, but the highlight of the trip for the children was the great playground that they had a chance to explore. The children were eager to stay longer, but, all too soon we had to return to school.  Perhaps they could return soon with their families. The park is lovely and has many special events to offer. Just next weekend there is a campfire with Santa that has been planned! What fun! Only in Florida!

Mrs. Kiernan took many photos which have been printed and glued onto writing paper. The children have each selected a photo that interests them. In Writers' Workshop they wrote great stories about our trip using the photos as a springboard. The setting of course was Boyd Hill, its animal homes, and a few playground snaps as well.  The visit to Boyd Hill also connects to our study of organisms.  We will be adding snails to the aquariums and a few crawling creatures to our terrariums.  Our classroom habitats are coming alive with much more to see and observe.