Monday, February 6, 2012

WOW! One Hundred Days of School!

Friday was such an exciting day as we celebrated Day 100 of kindergarten all day long. The day started off with a bang with everyone bringing in their terrific projects featuring 100 items. The children proudly showed their classmates their creative posters and models. Our projects were displayed in our K hallway along with projects from the other kindergartens to make Our 100th Day Museum. Our class had everything from a 3D marshmallow igloo, to a jellybean butterfly, and a shell dolphin. Mrs. Kiernan took photos of everyone with their projects. The photos were then mounted on paper so stories could be written about each project.

The class had fun writing Day 100 signs in chalk all over our nearby sidewalks. Next we marked our calendar folders for Day 100 and displayed our bundle of 100 straws, marking this special day. Using our class 100 chart as a model, the children wrote the numbers to 100 on their individual chart papers. Next came drawing and coloring 100 items. The class had fun filling their snack bags with 100 tiny treats to take home. The 100th Day cake was enjoyed by the whole kindergarten right after lunch.

The highlight of the day was the challenge for our class to read 100 books in one hour. No books were to be read twice. Well, the class all signed the pledge that everyone would do their best to complete this goal. So we all grabbed up a stack of books, ready to begin. Along came parents, teachers, and administrators to listen to us read books. Many thanks to Keira's and Kate D.'s moms and Johnathon's dad, to Spanish teacher Senora Bockman-Pedersen, first grade teacher Mrs. Densa, second grade teacher Ms Deegan, secretary Mrs. Becker, assistant head of lower division Mrs. Weinman, and head of lower division Dr. Bianco. But the most popular guest to our reading marathon was headmaster of all of Shorecrest, Mr. Murphy, who stayed almost the whole hour and commented that it was the most fun he had had all week! Then came the exciting task of counting the books we had read. We counted the books into piles of ten, and then counted the piles for a grand total of 216 books! What a feat! Great work, class!

This week we will continue with some follow-up activities about the number 100 to complete our individual books about Day 100. We will exercise 100 times, write about our favorite activity and why we liked it, as well as what we have learned in 100 days of kindergarten, what you can do 100 times, how having 100 of something can really be a problem, and what would you do if you had $100. A class book will be created that features 100 animals and counting by fives. In this week's book check out you will see titles that foster our first three digit number. Now, on to learning about numbers above 100!

Yes, we are 100 days smarter!