Monday, February 27, 2012

Learning about Organisms in Kindergarten

Three weeks ago we began our new science unit on organisms. First we brainstormed as many organisms as we could think of. This generated a list of many animals but very few plants. We talked about what organisms need to live. The classes had good ideas about food and water, but little knowledge of other essentials such as a safe place to live and the need for air to breath.

Our lessons then turned to the question of what is a seed? We used our senses of sight, smell, touch, and hearing to examine a variety of seeds, including kidney beans, peas, sunflowers, and pumpkin seeds. Next, the children were grouped into four teams. Each team was assigned a type of seed to plant. We have been observing the sprouting and growth of our seeds and have recorded their rate of development in our science journals.

Last Wednesday each team worked together to make their table's own terrarium. First a base layer of gravel was poured into the bottom of each terrarium. Then the team put a layer of leaf litter that they had collected from our schoolyard. On top of that they layered soil. Two plants, moss and a tree seeding, were first examined and compared, and then planted in the terrariums. Each child misted their new terrariums before the tops were put in place and then put in the middle of each table so they could be observed on a regular bases.

This week each team will also assemble an aquarium for their table to observe. The two different environments along with the vegetation in each will be compared and contrasted. How are they alike and how are they different? The excitement will be when we add animals to each one after spring break. Then we will compare the different animals, as well.

What a great way to learn about organisms with first hand activities and observations! Since the students have assembled and care for their own terrariums and aquariums, they have a sense of ownership and first hand knowledge of what each one need to thrive. What great lessons about life the class is experiencing!

Joanne Minke and Darla Kiernan