Monday, September 20, 2010

Friday's favorite color day was a big hit. We graphed our results and added pages to a class book. Today we entered data into our Birthday and How Old Are You graphs. Beginning with the Months of the Year Macarena dance, and finishing with comparing which months have the least and greatest birthday celebrations. In addition we are sorting, introducing patterns, and continuing with sets of 6-10 items. Encourage your child to demonstrate an A/B pattern, so far the hum clap has been a favorite. Tuesday we will honor International Peace Day with a symbolic dove at a ceremony surrounding the courtyard. Wednesday marks the beginning of fall, so look for the summertime beach pictures to be coming home. Be sure to wear your green and gold, Friday the 24th is Spirit Day.
In Writer's Workshop we have been adding additional details to include characters, setting, and action. We encourage the children to write down the sounds they hear within a word and move on to the next word. This week's science focus continues with our senses. In the kitchen we will be baking apple grahams in honor of Johnny Appleseed's upcoming birthday.
Thank you for your outpouring of support and kind words regarding Mrs. Minke's loss. Today the children created welcome pages for Mrs. Minke's grandson Jaxon. A family friend will be delivering them on Friday.