Monday, February 4, 2013

Updates for the Week of February 4, 2013

Last Friday we had a great time at Heritage Village. The weather was perfect, and the class learned a lot about how life was in Florida over 100 years ago. This tied in nicely with our study in math of time lines and with our Day 100 celebration this coming Friday. 

Math: We will continue our introduction of addition with adding sets and numbers together to total six. I will be assessing each child this week to see who is ready to procede to adding higher numbers and who will benefit from reviewing numbers for adding sums to four, five, and six. We will begin to talk about clocks and how to tell time by the hour.

Word Work: We will be focusing on learning the "sh" sound and will practice reading and spelling words that have this sound.

Reading: The class will be looking for the 50 words from our word wall in their "just right" reading books. We will continue to practice reading and spelling these 50 high frequency words. The list went home with the children last week.

Writing: We are learning to reread our three page stories and look for ways to make our good writing even better. The children use their new purple revising pens to add more detail to their stories. Later we will talk about how to insert words into the body of their stories.

Social Studies: We will continue our discussion this week about our families and our homes. We will have fun constructing houses out of a variety of blocks. We will add giant waffle blocks to our classroom supply of manipulatives.

Science:  We started our new unit on Solids and Liquids last week. This unit is extensive and will continue through the end of May. So far we have talked about and explored a wide variety of solid objects and have discussed that all solids have color and shape. We have compared two objects on a venn diagram to find our how they are alike and and how they are different. The children have been busy sorting the solid objects that have been provided by others attributes, as well. This week we will find out which of these can be stacked and which ones can roll.

Events to Calendar:

Friday, February 1st through Friday, February 15th, online re-enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year is available on the Shorecrest homepage.

Thursday, February 7th, is Parent Teacher Conference Day.  Reminder notices of scheduled times were sent home last week. There is no school for the children.

Tuesday, February 12th, the Picture Lady/Gentleman will visit our classrooms with fine art to discuss and display.

Wednesday, February 13th, a production of The Little Engine that Could, will take place in the Janet Root Theater for JK and Kindergarten students.

Monday, February 18th, school is closed in honor of President's Day.

Tuesday, February 26th, is class picture day.  Weather prevailing, photos will be taken outside in the courtyard area.

Thursday, February 28th, kicks off the 2013 Relay for Life with a cookout and the paper links project.  Forms and donation envelopes will be coming home soon.