Monday, September 10, 2012

Science in Kindergarten

 Brianna, Jaiden, Fiona, and Sasa at the My Body table.
 Sophia, Mariana, and Franco explore Earth Science.
 Jake, Brianna, and Kia with magnets, motion, sink and float at the Physical Science table.
Noah, Lili, Duran, and Nicholas explore Life Science.

Science is taught in our classroom class daily, and is also expanded weekly in the kindergarten common area. Our homeroom science is part or our classroom environment. We have been exploring fruits along with "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." Mrs. Kiernan has served a wide variety of fruits for us to enjoy as part of our morning snacks. We have a fruit learning center which includes puzzles, games, and activities. Science in our homeroom involves a learning center, classroom lessons, and activities and is often integrated with reading, writing, and math. The center is changed about once a month. Following our fruit unit, we will move into learning about which animals would make good pets.

The science activities in the kindergarten common area are held every Thursday afternoon. The kindergarten teachers set up three to four science stations for the children to explore. Parent volunteers are especially helpful and valuable when assisting the children with these science activities. Each class rotates to the K hallway for a half hour slot. Last Thursday was our first opportunity to participate in these lessons. Our opening science lesson was on the topic, "What is science?" Before moving to the hallway, the children brainstormed in their homeroom what they thought was studied in science. They had only a few ideas. When we proceeded to the hallway, the children found four tables representing the four areas of science: life, physical, Earth, and the human body. Each table contained hands-on materials to explore that were related to each table's theme. The children all had papers on clipboards for recording one item from each table. The children drew the pictures and the parent helpers printed the labels on the recording sheets. These papers have been saved and will be placed in each child's science journal.

We love exploring and learning about science!