Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Recording Our Bird Projects Using Voicethread

What a great job our class has done completing their study of birds! The children have worked in teams of two or three, sharing information and ideas. After choosing the birds that they wanted to learn more about, the children have read bird information books and posters. They have each visited the kindergarten web site that Mrs. Minke developed to learn more about their birds. After the research was completed, the children each completed a seven page information book which covered lots of related facts about their birds that are listed in the book's Table of Content. The students included a labeled diagram of their birds. One page talked about how each bird looked, including the bird's colors, size, and distinguishing characteristics. Other pages included where they live, what they eat, and a fun fact about their birds.
Using the IPads, Mrs. Kiernan has photographed each child in our class with their bird projects. Each child created a huge stuffed model of their bird made out of paper, along with either a clay sculpture  or a puppet of their bird. Each child created computer story with facts about their birds along with  drawings. Then students then recorded their information on the IPads using Voicethread. This is being made into a slide show for our parents to view on Wednesday afternoon.

Learning about birds has not only been informative, but also enjoyable. Many student listed this project as their favorite part of kindergarten.