Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Updates and Upcoming Events

As part of our classroom's New Year resolutions, we have discussed how arriving with a few minutes to spare starts the morning off on the right foot. The doors open at 7:50 and we are ready to pledge the flag by 8:05.

Also, a tip of the hat to Kate, Alex, and Cody who practice sun safety at PE today with billed hats and sunscreen. Today's UV index is a 6 with forecasts to be climbing. We are encouraging all students to protect their skin with brimmed hats and applications of sunscreen.

Tomorrow you are invited to join us at 9:15 am for an informational meeting about this year's quilting. It's a tradition in its 12th year!

Next Monday, January 23rd the kindergarten classes will attend a puppet show of the Rainbow Fish at the main branch of the St. Petersburg Public Library. Later that day, after school programs will begin immediately following dismissal.

Grandparents and special friends are invited to join us on Friday, January 27th. A continental breakfast will be served in the Student Center, followed by a program in the Janet Root Theater. Classroom visits and touring the campus will commence at 10:00. There will be a 12:00 noon dismissal. Please be sure to sign your child out from the classroom before touring the campus.

The Used Uniform Sale will be held on Tuesday January 31st in the gym from 8:00am - 12:00pm.

February is almost here and although it may be the shortest month, there are many upcoming events and updates to mention:

Friday, February 3rd we will celebrate the 100th day of school with plenty of activities and a special treat for all. That same evening the annual Gala will be held in the gym.

The following week begins with online re-enrollment on Monday, February 6th followed by Thursday, February 9th Parent Teacher Conference Day.

Another long weekend is coming soon...school is closed Friday February 17th for teacher professional development and Monday, February 20th President's Day is observed.

Mark your calendar for the Oldie Goldie Book Sale...Friday, February 24th. There are titles for all ages.

Wednesday, February 29th., be sure to log on to Netclassroom and view your child's report card.

Lastly, we wish all Leap Year birthdays a very special day.