Monday, January 30, 2012

Addition: Combining Two Numbers to Find the Sum

We have been exploring the concept of addition for quite a while using a variety of approaches. We first talked about the idea of what was one more than a given number. When the children were comfortable talking about what was one more than six, one more than nine, one more than thirteen, etc., we introduced the concept of "counting on." First we compared two numbers to decide which number was more than the other one. For instance, six is more than 4, five is more than two, eight is more than three, etc. When the students were familiar with the concept of more than, we demonstrated how to add two numbers together by "counting on." When given any two numbers, always start with the highest number. Say that number, then begin to count the set for the smaller number. So, if we were to add two and four, we would begin with the four, and then count 5,6 to add on the set of two. We would not start from one, and go two, three, four, as this is a much slower approach to obtain the answer. First, we practiced with dominoes and then, dice which showed the number in dots. Later, we will practice using numbers only and no dots. Once children understand the concept of "counting on," they are well on their way to being comfortable with the concept of addition. We have also introduced the concept of subtraction using classroom and computer generated story telling.

Now in class, we are using variety of activities to reinforce the number families. We talk about all the ways to add two numbers together to make the chosen sum. If our number is "5," then we want to include 5+0, 0+5, 4+1, 1+4, 2+3, and 3+2. We talk about the combinations that are partners or related, such as 5+0 and 0+5, how they are alike and how they are different.

To insure that the children are confident using all the number activities and are familiar with adding number to make sums of 3, 4, 5, and 6, we have spent several days exploring each of these. For the next few days, the children will each select the number they want to explore. Today we played the "hand game." First we talked about how to choose a number. Did they want to pick an easier number, such as 4 or 5, or and more challenging one, like 6 or 7? Once the numbers were chosen, children worked at tables with the other children who had the same number. Each student counted out the number of pennies for their number, and demonstrated various combinations to create that sum. After a few minutes of practice using the pennies, the children were ready to record their work on the "hand game" worksheet. Each child also wrote their own number sentences using the correct number formation. On Tuesday we will continue this format using the chosen number of beads secured on a pipe cleaner to help the children to make their number families. They may stay with the same number as yesterday or choose another number from the choices of 4, 5, 6, or 7.

Later each child will be individually assessed to determine his or her understanding of addition and to decide if they are ready to go ahead with higher number families or will benefit from further review of smaller numbers.

Everyday Math is a spiraling program that revisits essential learnings until children are secure with problem solving strategies. A strong number sense of the basic facts is very beneficial for accuracy and a solid foundation for both addition and subtraction.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Making Our Writing Even Better: Revision!

As part of our independent writing unit on small moments from our lives, we will begin the task of making our good writing even better. How can that be? The children are already doing great work by zooming in on one small moment to write about. They are already including setting, action, and characters. They can read their own great stories and and so can others. They usually spell the 50 sight words from our word wall correctly. They use great phonics skills to sound out the longer, tricky words. What else can they do to make their writing even better?

We will challenge them to include more detail in their stories by adding more words to their writing. The stories can be lengthened by adding on at the end of sentences. The children will be taught to use a carat symbol to add words in the middle of sentences. We will encourage them to add more details to their pictures, to include the time, how they were feeling, and the weather. We will also show them how to add speech bubbles and use quotation marks so that their characters can talk. We will talk about using punctuation so their stories are easier for the readers to read.

Wow! So many ways to help improve our good writing! But how will the students be motivated to tackle these strategies? We have a magic wand that they will love! It's a purple felt tipped pen for each child to use as they work on the various revisions of their stories. Watch out for some terrific stories to follow!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Updates and Upcoming Events

As part of our classroom's New Year resolutions, we have discussed how arriving with a few minutes to spare starts the morning off on the right foot. The doors open at 7:50 and we are ready to pledge the flag by 8:05.

Also, a tip of the hat to Kate, Alex, and Cody who practice sun safety at PE today with billed hats and sunscreen. Today's UV index is a 6 with forecasts to be climbing. We are encouraging all students to protect their skin with brimmed hats and applications of sunscreen.

Tomorrow you are invited to join us at 9:15 am for an informational meeting about this year's quilting. It's a tradition in its 12th year!

Next Monday, January 23rd the kindergarten classes will attend a puppet show of the Rainbow Fish at the main branch of the St. Petersburg Public Library. Later that day, after school programs will begin immediately following dismissal.

Grandparents and special friends are invited to join us on Friday, January 27th. A continental breakfast will be served in the Student Center, followed by a program in the Janet Root Theater. Classroom visits and touring the campus will commence at 10:00. There will be a 12:00 noon dismissal. Please be sure to sign your child out from the classroom before touring the campus.

The Used Uniform Sale will be held on Tuesday January 31st in the gym from 8:00am - 12:00pm.

February is almost here and although it may be the shortest month, there are many upcoming events and updates to mention:

Friday, February 3rd we will celebrate the 100th day of school with plenty of activities and a special treat for all. That same evening the annual Gala will be held in the gym.

The following week begins with online re-enrollment on Monday, February 6th followed by Thursday, February 9th Parent Teacher Conference Day.

Another long weekend is coming is closed Friday February 17th for teacher professional development and Monday, February 20th President's Day is observed.

Mark your calendar for the Oldie Goldie Book Sale...Friday, February 24th. There are titles for all ages.

Wednesday, February 29th., be sure to log on to Netclassroom and view your child's report card.

Lastly, we wish all Leap Year birthdays a very special day.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Science Update: Learning about Liquids

For science lessons for November and December we focused on learning about the various properties of solids. During our 9 inquiry lessons, we conducted hands-on explorations of twenty solids objects. We talked about how they have shape and color, that we can see through some but not all. We explored whether they could roll and/or stack, which ones would stick to a magnet and which ones would ink or float in water.

We have now begun our investigations of the properties of liquids. We began by comparing and contrasting two familiar liquids, water and glue. Expanding on the classification of liquids, students added shampoo and oil to the materials list. This provided a total of four liquids to observe with a magnifiing lens as well as opportunities to touch and pour. Students offered their insights to color, feel, fluidity, scent, opacity or transparency.

As we continue to learn about the properties of liquids, the children will explore volume, flow rates related to viscosity and fluidity as well as density, suspensions and mixtures. Each lesson expands on the previous, provides opportunities to discuss their findings and is followed by a recording of observations. Observation pages include student drawings, Venn diagrams, classification charts, and written results. These pages are being compiled into individual science journals.

Following the scientific method the children are encouraged to question, predict, test, record data, and consider real world uses. This unit is extremely engaging and includes fun activities that turn the classroom into a science learning lab.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome to Kindergarten, Luke!

What a great way to start off a brand new month and a brand new year than by our class making a brand new friend. We are delighted to have Luke join our class as our 15th classmate. We enjoyed his visit last November and have been eagerly awaiting his arrival as a permanent member of our kindergarten class.

Luke's family just moved to Florida from Illinois so his father could start his new job. Luke says he is happy to be away from Illinois as it was very cold there, and they had no snow. While he will miss his old friends, he thinks he will enjoy the nice weather and sunny days of Florida.

Luke says he has no pets but his favorite animal is a cheetah. He has an older brother who has started the fifth grade here at Shorecrest. His favorite color is blue but his favorite vehicle would be a red race car. He likes to eat pasta, watermelon, lemonade, and brownies.

Luke is friendly and fits right in with all our activities and lessons. He's a great addition to our class. Welcome!
