Monday, May 23, 2011

Our Final Full Week

This last full week of kindergarten will find our class busy finishing up various lessons and introducing some new ones. We have six more groups of rhyming words to add to our Word Family Books before they go home at the end of this week. That will make a total of 30 word families that we have introduced. Understanding the similar letter patterns in each of these families will help the children as they are developing their literacy skills to read and spell so many more words. If a child is able to phonetically read and spell the word "ball", they will be able to read and spell "wall" and "tall", also.

New topics to be explored this week will be the concept of opposites. We will have fun writing stories that include a pair of opposites. We will find out about three dimensional shapes, such as cubes and spheres, and ways to build three dimensional structures with of straws and twist ties, and with toothpicks and gumdrops. The class will have fun with these activities.

Next Tuesday is our End of the Year Party. All morning we will be rotating through the three kindergarten classes for a variety of activities planned by our Room Representatives and teachers. In the afternoon the children will go shopping in the kindergarten store in our K common area. They will spend the money they have earned for their school piggy banks. Also, that afternoon our class will celebrate the the birthdays of the children who have summer birthdays or who have not already celebrated with our class.

How busy, fun, and rewarding these last days will be!