Monday, April 4, 2011

Researching Zoo Animals

Yes, we are conducting research in kindergarten! Our kick-off to learning more about zoo animals was our fabulous trip to the Lowry Park Zoo. Next, the class explored a variety of information books about exotic animals that are located in the new Kindergarten Research Station at the center of the kindergarten common area. They recorded four or more animals that each student found interesting. This list is a possible resource for selecting the final animal that each student will research.

Once all the animals have been selected, we will find out what each child already knows about his or her chosen animal, and what we want to learn about each animal. Each child will answer the basic questions of what their animal usually eats, where it lives, what is its body covering, and how it moves. Using parents, teachers, and reference books as resources, the children are challenged to learn at least three other facts about their chosen animal.

Finally, each child will answer the question, "What can I teach others about my animal?" At school, each child will demonstrate their new found knowledge in a presentation format of their choosing. This week's Kindergarten News Calendar assigned each student to gather three additional facts other than those previously mentioned.

From a shared experience to research, and on to learning from each other, each child will present of project of their choice to share with their classmates. These will demonstrate the new information we have learned about our animals, and also our new appreciation of them.

Yes, kindergartners can be involved in research!