Monday, March 21, 2011

Everyday Math Is Everywhere!

While our scheduled math lessons are first thing in the morning before our P.E. class at 9:15, math related concepts are frequently integrated through-out the school day, and beyond. Just look at the math related activities the class has been involved in today.

*Reading and rereading Monday's schedule, noting the times on the classroom clock
*Finding page 55 in our handwriting books so we can practice printing the letter "e"
*Counting and comparing answers on the "Question of the Day" graph
*Traveling in number order with a new line leader each week
*Using our time wisely when given two more minutes of snack or work time
*Recognizing where to sit in both Art and Music according to our classroom seating locations
*Writing with the sequence of time that spans morning, afternoon, and night
*Using the digital cameras to take pictures of things with shapes on campus
*Creating working partner pairs, which led to counting by twos, and recognizing we are an uneven group when one is absent
* A brief discussion of odd and even numbers, and what that means
*Looking at the clock for when the long hand lands on 6, it is 30 minutes after the hour...12:30...recess!
*Counting the seconds backwards from 15 as we watch for recess time to begin
*Counting by tens the marbles in our "Do the Right Thing" jar (341 marbles!)