Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Family and its many components is our topic for socials studies learning. We will be drawing and writing to answer "who" is in our family, "what" our family likes to do together, and "where" our family likes to go. Talking with your children and helping them think of the memories your family has created will surely make for wonderful writings and illustrations.
February ends with the beginning of Reading Week. On Monday the 28th, children are invited to dress as their favorite book character and share their books in class. Tuesday's highlight is visiting illustrator, Frank Remkiewicz, whose work includes The Froggy Books. We will drop everything and read on Wednesday. Bring a towel in case the lawn is damp. Thursday we'll be buddy reading and visits from community authors. Don't miss Friday's Oldie Goldie Book Sale. Clear off those shelves and bring in titles you and your family wish to donate.