Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Opening Days of Kindergarten

Mrs. Kiernan and I are enjoying getting to know our new class, and the children are busy settling in. They are eagerly learning our kindergarten routines and the new expectations of their new class. What a joy it is to observe them exploring our classroom and enjoying so many of our activities. The children are making new friends and becoming reaquainted with old friends. Everyone is settling in nicely, including the teachers, and looking forward to a great year in kindergarten. We are off to to terrific start.
This is the time of year when the teachers are getting to know the children socially and academically through both observation and informal assessment. This will help us with our planning for the upcoming weeks and months. Once we know the various levels of the children, we will be able to help them reinforce these levels and then move on to learn new skills and concepts.
Kindergarten is a great year of fun, learning, and growth of all!