Monday, March 29, 2010

Field Day Is April 2

This Friday will be field day. This is the make-up from the rainy day before spring break. The children are to wear the colored shirt assigned to them. I will remind everyone of their color.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Geometry in Kindergarten?

Yes, our kindergarten students are busy learning about solid shapes--those that are 3 dimensional. Tuesday evening found our children searching their homes with the families for examples of spheres, cylinders, rectangular prisms, cubes, and a variety of other solid shape items. Each student brought is one or more examples to show their class. These are now part of our classroom Solid Shape Museums. We sure do learn a lot in kindergarten!

Important Message from Our Nurse

Dear Kindergarten and First grade parents,

I hope you enjoyed the spring break with your family. I am writing to request a change of uniforms including underwear with your child to be kept in their cubbyholes. This week, I’ve experienced an increase in students having accidents and the clinic is being depleted of its extras.
I do appreciate and thank you for returning the change of clothes provided to your child in his or her time of need. I will gladly keep your child’s extra uniform/underwear in the clinic labeled with his or her name. If you have any questions, you can always reach me at 456-7523 or email me at
Thank you.
Marie Confident, RN
Shorecrest school nurse

Friday, March 12, 2010

Please Note!

Dear Parents,

The Lower School administration uses Online Community to communicate with our families. Dr. Bianco and Mrs. Weinman's letters and Lower Division reminders are posted on a Lower Division blog. This is the school administration's main form of communication, so EVERYONE should subscribe. In order to have access, you will need to subscribe to the Lower Division blog.

First log into the Online Community. After logging into the Online Community, go to Community > Groups > Lower Division Group from the green menu bar. First, click on the icon "Join Group." Next, scroll down the page and click on the Subscribe button. This will send you e-mail alerts whenever I write a new blog post.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dr. Seuss'es Birthday, the Zoo, and a Full Marble Jar

Our class had a ball enjoying all the great books by Dr. Seuss that our class brought in for his birthday. They loved filling out the Dr. Seuss Alphabet chart by finding words in his books. It was fun watching them help each other. The snack of green eggs and ham that Mr. Hutton made was also very popular, too. Of course, the our favorite book is The Cat in the Hat! Here is what 18 Cats in the Hats look like!

The zoo trip was an exciting and enjoyable event. We sure were lucky for the lovely cool (but not COLD) weather. A special thank you to all the parents who joined us: Hannah's, Ashli's, and Emma's fathers, and Matthieu's, Sabrina's, Vinh's, Genesis', and Micheal's mothers. WOW! What great support for our class!

We filled our "Do the Right Thing" marble jar on Tuesday. The total count for the year is 342 marbles. To celebrate this special accomplishment, Mr. Hutton treated us to ice cream dixie cups. We are now moving on the individual piggy banks. Ask you child how they can earn pennies to go shopping at the kindergarten store at the end of the school year.

Please let me kow if you read my Blogs. I would love to have some feedback.